Saturday, 4 May 2013

Houston - We are go for launch.

Launch of our marketing campaign that is. Yep, we are now all signed up with our agent. Dotted the i's, crossed the t's and our house is officially for sale.

Wow, when I think back over the last 6 frantic weeks this is quite an achievement. Let me see, since we made the decision that we were going to sell back on February 24th 2013 we have:
  • Painted the house top to bottom, inside and out (and a really huge, ginormous thankyou must go out to my Dad for his very much appreciated help on this front, and another one to my Mum for having the kids for several days so we could get this done without them underfoot).
  • Re-carpeted the front lounge, E's bedroom, and laid new old carpet in C's room. (Big thanks to Jase for coming to do this in his own time and at no cost for us.)
  • Had our room and C's room carpets steam cleaned. (Thanks to David from Earth Care Carpet Cleaning for fitting us into a cancelled timeslot the day after I phoned him to book.)
  • Sourced and bought two dishwashers to replace the one we had (that surprise, surprise, wasn't working).
  • Replaced a toilet seat (and wasn't that an experience, and not a good one, for me!)
  • Replaced all bathroom cabinet handles
  • Replaced all kitchen cupboard handles
  • Replaced kitchen taps
  • Replaced family room ceiling fan
  • Cleaned every inch of the house, including window and door tracks, ceiling fans, windows, tile grout, light shades, extractor fans and even my son who got in the way of the cleaning cloth!!
And in between all these things going on we have also:
  • Packed about 20 boxes of stuff
  • Moved furniture in and out of the house, in and out of rooms, round and round rooms about 6 times
  • Had a garage sale
  • Sold stuff on gumtree
  • Cleaned, tidied, pruned, raked, mulched, cut and cleared the yard.
  • Potted new indoor and outdoor plants
  • Washed, brushed and tidied the verandah areas.
  • Moved stuff from verandah to trailer to shed and back again about a million times.
  • Rebuilt the chook house
  • Filled a skip bin to overflowing
Musn't forget that while all of this was going on we were still:
  • Going to work
  • Looking after three children
  • Juggling the usual house stuff (washing, cooking, shopping etc)
  • Trying not so successfully to get a bit of study squeezed in there (it's going to take a mammoth effort to get that caught up and completed before subject cut offs)
  • Trying to sell the camper trailer (thus it has been erected and pulled down about 4 or 5 times and has been dragged around more than ever to leave it on display in various places.)
  • And finally, dealing with the grief of losing our fur baby unexpectedly a few weeks ago.
No wonder we are both absolutely exhausted!!!

It has to be worth it though. Our agent was absolutely gob-smacked when she walked back in to see the final product last week. She couldn't believe how much we had done and achieved in such a short time. And thankfully our marketing price reflects this.

All of these changes have got me to thinking though.......

We have finally gotten the house looking exactly as we had always dreamed of it. It's painted, it's clean and tidy, the gardens are finished. You would expect that at this point we would be having doubts about wanting to sell it, but for me at least it's the complete opposite. I can't wait to leave now. Not only because of the adventure that awaits, but because now it just doesn't feel like MY home anymore. It certainly isn't Vogue material, but it is a lot closer than it was 6 weeks ago, and it's just not right. I was happy and comfortable in my home before, now I'm not. I can only hope that we have set it up for someone else to be just as happy as we had planned to be in it.

When we bought this house it was our plan not to move out until it was into a retirement village or a box. This was going to be our long term family home, and we stretched the budget to the max to do it. We had said that we wanted the roots down place to call home for our kids. Hmmm, funny how things change. I guess we have to accept that sometimes the universe has different plans for us.

I am a great believer in the idea that everything happens for a reason. I also believe that sometimes we know, sometimes we don't and sometimes we never will know why something happens in our lives but that we just have to trust and have faith in the universe that whatever it is, it is for a reason and it is for the betterment of ourselves in the long run.

And so, back to the house, the sales agency agreement is signed, the photographer has been and as of tomorrow we will be up on the internet. Fingers crossed that the universe has someone waiting to come and take advantage of all the hard work that we have put in over the last 6 weeks. We are ready to move on, ready for our next adventure, ready to explore the country, ready to dedicate ourselves and our time to our children, our marriage and our lives together. Bring it on!!

Houston - we are go for launch!!!!!

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