Our plan for today had been to get away from Forbes quite early so we could get as far as Coonabarabran. Ummm, the best laid plans are always broken and we are now set up in a caravan park in Dubbo, only about 150 kms up the road!!!
We decided to make a stop at "the Dish" just outside of Parkes. What we thought might have been a half hour stop ended up being a couple of hours! It was a really interesting place. I really loved the scientific garden, with all its interesting facts and displays. They even have some apple trees growing there which are proven descendants from the tree in Sir Isaac Newton's garden, the one from which the apple fell. The kids enjoyed doing the scavenger hunt around the complex and C loved telling us every time the dish moved.
We stayed at the complex for lunch and then spent a little while talking with another travelling couple, of course the conversation started from E wanting to pat their dogs which were tied up outside their bus!! We have been trying to get our doggy pat fixes every time we see someone with a dog.
So, we reached Dubbo at about 3.30, and after spending about an hour in the visitor centre and playground, R decided that he didn't feel like driving any more today so we have checked into the caravan park for the night and will head off again in the morning - maybe. We have both applied for a couple of jobs in the area, all of which are short term, live in positions on large farms. Fingers crossed......
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